Environmental Sustainability
National Science Foundation
The goal of the Environmental Sustainability programme is to promote sustainable engineered systems that support human well-being and that are also compatible with sustaining natural (environmental) systems. These systems provide ecological services vital for human survival. Research efforts supported by the program typically consider long time horizons and may incorporate contributions from the social sciences and ethics. The program supports engineering research that seeks to balance society's need to provide ecological protection and maintain stable economic conditions.
Deadline: Open
Award type: Grants
Budget: $7,066
Eligibility: Unrestricted
Engineering Design and System Engineering
National Science Foundation
The Engineering Design and Systems Engineering (EDSE) program supports fundamental research that advances design science and/or systems science through the creation of new knowledge about the design of engineered artifacts. The EDSE program strongly encourages proposals that embrace the multidisciplinary nature of design and supports well-defined collaborations of experts in design science and/or systems science with experts in other domains, including (but not limited to) the social, behavioral, computational, and natural (biological and physical) sciences.
Eligibility: Unrestricted
Deadline: 18 May 2023, 17:00 GMT
Disciplines: All Disciplines
Wellcome Trust
Wellcome Early – Career Awards
This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme.
Deadline: None
Eligibility: Institutional and Researcher eligible
Budget: £400,000
Discipline: Any discipline
Interfacial Engineering
National Science Foundation
The goal of the Interfacial Engineering programme is to support fundamental research on atomic- and molecular-scale interfacial phenomena and engineering of interfacial properties, processes, and materials. Fundamental understanding of the thermodynamic, kinetic, and transport properties of interfacial systems underpins improvements in chemical process efficiency and resource utilization. As such, proposed research should have a clear vision for how the results will translate to practice in or otherwise advance industrial chemical or biochemical processes. The program encourages proposals that present new approaches to long-standing challenges or address emerging research areas and technologies. Collaborative and interdisciplinary proposals are also encouraged, particularly those that involve a combination of experiment with theory or modelling.
Budget: $3, 200, 00
Closing date: Open
Eligibility: Unrestricted
Disciplines: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Emerging Mathematics in Biology
National Science Foundation
The Emerging Mathematics in Biology (eMB) program seeks to stimulate fundamental interdisciplinary and potentially transformative research pertaining to the development of innovative mathematical/statistical/computational theories, tools, and modeling approaches to investigate challenging questions of great interest to biologists and public health policymakers. It supports research projects in mathematical biology that address challenging and significant biological questions through novel applications of traditional, but nontrivial, mathematical tools and methods or the development of new theories particularly from foundational mathematics and/or computational/statistical tools, including Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning/Machine Learning (AI/DL/ML)
Eligibility: Unrestricted
Budget: $6, 000, 000
Closing Date: March 01, 2024
Computational Mathematics
National Science Foundation
Supports mathematical research in areas where computation plays a central and essential role, emphasizing analysis, development, and implementation of theoretically justified and efficient algorithms. The combination of these elements resulting in innovative computational methods is a hallmark of the program. Proposals ranging from single investigator to interdisciplinary team projects that not only create and analyze new computational mathematics techniques but also implement them to model, study, and solve important application problems are strongly encouraged, as is providing opportunities for rigorous mathematical training of junior computational mathematicians through research involvement.
Eligibility: Unrestricted
Estimated Total Program Funding: |
$18,000,000 |
Award Ceiling: |
$1,200,000 |
Closing Date: December 01, 2023
Location: Office No 1, Administration Block