Baffoe, P.E., Boah, F.N., and Affam, M. (2018), ""Mapping 3D Geological Structures and Predicting the Kinematics of the Pitwalls using Photogrametric Techniques – A case study"", American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), 7 , 64-76
Ahenkorah, I., Awuah, E. M, Ewusi, A, Affam, M (2018), "“Geotechnical and Petrographic Characterisation of the Birimian Granitoids in Southern Ghana as an Aggregates for Sustainable Road Construction”,", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science,, Vol-5, , pp 40
Affam, M. and Ofosu B. (2018), "“Improving the Engineering Properties of Spent Ore with Laterite for Road Base and Subbase Construction”", 5th Biennial UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference, , pp GLM 1-9,
Balegha, M. M. S. and Affam, M. (2018), "“Design of Optimal Slope Parameters for Polymetic Pit West of the Tarkwian Geosyncline”", 5th Biennial UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference,, , GLM, 63-68
Gyenin P. A. Asare, N.A., Ankomah P, C. and Affam, M, (2018), "“Stability Challenges with Pits of Increasing Depth to width ratio ” ", 5th Biennial UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference,, , GLM 30-39
Asenso-Gyambibi, D., Affam, M., Amoafo, E.Y. and Acquah,S.B. (2017), ""Improving Land Tenure Security Through Customary Boundary Demarcation – A Case Study", ", Ghana Mining Journal,, Vol. 17, No. 1, , pp. 1-8
Affam, M. (2016), " "Evaluation of Destructive Concrete Cube Test Results: Significance and Limitations” ", 4th Biennial UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference, ,
Affam, M. and Vog Enga, C. (2016), "“Some Geotechnical Design Considerations of Super Pit Slopes: A Case Study” ", 4th Biennial UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference, ,
Affam, F., Affam, M. and Amankwa R.K. (2014), ""Assessing the Contribution of Small Scale Mining of Gold to Poverty Reduction in Ghana", ", 3rd Biennal UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference. Ghana , , pp 623-634
Affam, M., Yendaw, J. and Debrah, R. (2014), ""Course Aggregate Suitability for Wearing Course:A Comparative Study".", 3rd Biennal UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference.Ghana, , , pp 24-33
Affam, M. (2014), (2014), ""Determination of Optimum Libration Size of Gold in Paleo-Placer Deposit of Ghana'\"", 3rd Biennal UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference. Ghana,, , pp 34-41.
Ofori-Amoah, P. and Amankwah, R. K., Affam, M., Nartey, R. S. and Acquah, J. (2014), ""Heterogeneity Studies of Prestea Underground West Reef".", 3rd Biennal UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference. Ghana, , , pp 16-23
Affam, M. and Arhin, E. (2013), ""Lack of exploration Success in Northern Ghana: Problems and Solutions",", Research Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 8, , pp. 440-448.
Affam, M. and Akayuli, C.F.A (2012), ""Failure Mode Characteristic on Strength of Rock Sample"", International Jounal of Mining and Mineral Processing, , Vol. 3, No. 1, , pp 28-36.
Affam, M. Al-Hassan, S. and Arhin E., (2012), ""Statistical Evaluation of Geochemical Au Sample Quality". ", Ghana Mining Journal,, Vol 13, , pp 7-14.
Affam, M. and Archibald, J. (2012), ""In-Situ Stress Determination at the Ashanti Mine". ", International Jounal of Mining and Mineral Processing, , Vol. 3 No. 1, , pp 1-12.
Affam, M, Arhin, E and Asamoah D.N. (2012), "'Source of Endemic Fluorosis Attributed to Igneous Granitoids in Northern Ghana A case Study', ", 2nd Biennial UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference, Ghana, , , pp 242-248.
Asamoah, D. N. and Affam M (2012), " ‘Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on the Birim River of Ghana' ", 2nd Biennial UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference, Ghana , , pp 44-55.
Asamoah, D. N. and Affam M. (2012), "'Assessment of Water Quality of the Volta Lake at Kong, Southern Ghana'", 2nd Biennial UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference, Ghana, , , pp 227-240.
Asamoah, D. N and Affam, M. (2011), "'Small Scale Mining in Ghana: Past, Present and Future”", African Journal of Management and Administration Vol 4(1), pp 46-54, Vol 4(1), , pp 46-54
Affam, M, Archibald, J and Akayuli CFA (2011), "'Elevated Stress Regime within Birimian Metallurgenic Province of Ghana-Implications to Deep Level Mining'", Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology,, Vol 3 (8) , , pp 713-719.
Affam, M. and Asamoah, D. N. (2011), "“ Economic Potential of Salt Mining in Ghana Towards the Oil Find”", Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences, Vol 3 No. 5,, pp 448-456
Affam, M. and Asamoah, D. N. (2010), " 'Evaluation of Asokwa Clay Deposit'", Proceedings of the First Biennial UMaT International Conference on Mining & Mineral Processing, ‘Expanding the Frontiers of Mining Technology” Tarkwa, Ghana 4th-7th August, , pp 396-411
Eduful, A. and Affam, M. (2010), "'Environmental Effects and Controls of Physical Development in Wetland Areas: A Case Study'", Proceedings of the First biennial UMaT International Conference on Mining & Mineral Processing, ‘Expanding the Frontiers of Mining Technology” Tarkwa, Ghana 4th-7th August, 2010, , pp 603-620.
Affam, M and Archibald, J (2010), " ‘Assessment of Rockburst Potential in Ashanti Deep Mine - An Introduction to a New Research’", International Journal of Mining and Mineral Processing, New Delhi, India., Vol 1, , pp.55-69.
Gyansah, L. Akinwonmi A. S. and Affam M. (2010), "'Fracture Behaviour of Fresh Bamboo Under Uniaxial Compressive Loading Condition'", ournal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology,, Vol 2 No 8, pp 720-726.
Affam, M. and Oteng-Mensah, E. (2010), "'Assessment of Process Design and Performance of Waste Treatment Units: A Case Study'", Proceedings of International Conference on Research and Development, Accra, Ghana 23rd -26th 2010 , Vol. 3 No. 13, , pp 36-47.
Affam M and Allen, K. J. (2009), "‘Pitwall Stability Analysis-Case Studies’ ", Ghana Mining Journal , Vol 11, , pp 31-36.
Arhin, E and Affam, M (2009), "'Fluoride in Groundwater and associated Implications in West Gonja District of Ghana'. ", Ghana Mining Journal , Vol 11, , pp. 47-52.
Abgeno S.K and Affam M. (2008), "‘Establishing Ground Vibration Threshold Level for open Pit Mining Environment - A Case Study’ ", Ghana Mining Journal, , Vol 10, , pp 19-24.
Affam, M and Arhin E (2005), "'Termite Mound-A Supplimentary Geochemical Gold Sampling Medium in Complex Regolith Terrains’, ", Ghana Mining Journal , Vol. 8. , pp 10-15.
Momade, F.W.Y., Gawu, S.K.Y. and Affam, M. (2004), "Characterization of lithomagic clay from the Awaso Bauxite deposit", 90th Anniversary, International Conference and Exhibitation of the Geological Survey Dept. of Ghana, Accra, 27th -29th Feb. 2004
Affam, M.and Al-Hassan S. (2004), "Statistical assessment of gold sample quality", 90th Anniversary, International Conference and Exhibitation of the Geological Survey Dept. of Ghana, Accra , 27th-29th Feb. 2004
Monitoring and quality control testworks for Desimone Ltd towards Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine Expansion project
Geotechnical ground investigation and qualitycontrol management for Anglogold-Ashanti Iduapriem Mine (AAIL) towards mine expansion project.
Rock strength testworks for Goldfields Ghana Ltd, Tarkwa Mine Quality control and contruction material testworks for Gold fields Gh. Ltd, (2006) Tarkwa mine residential roads (2006)
Geotechnical ground investigation and qualitycontrol management for Minproc (Pty) Ltd/ GoldenStar Resources, Bogoso Prestea Mine towards BIOX EPCM project.
Monitoring and quality control testworks towards tailings dam construction for Ghana Manganese Company, Nsuta, Ghana