Staff Web Directory

+233 3123 20324/20280



PhD, Information Systems
University of Cape Town
Certificate in Project Management

MSc Computers, Complexes,Systems and Networks

Certificate in proficiency in Russian language

University of Cape Town
Tver State Technical University, Russia
• Krobo Girls’ Senior Secondary School
2021--to date
Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE)
2020--to date
Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
2020--to date
Member, Internet Society Ghana Chapter (ISOC)
2019--to date
Member, Association of Information Systems (AIS)
2013--to date
Member, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
2011--to date
University Teachers Association of Ghana
2009--to date
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Executive Committee member IEEE Ghana Section
Sponsorship, International Conference for Women in Science
Scholarship, University of Cape Town Postgraduate Fund
Best Poster Award (European Conference on Digital Government)
L’Oréal- UNESCO Women in Science Award
Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Award
Meritorious Award IEEE Student Branch Pentecost University College
Tutor of Prize-winner in Computer Networking (Association of Business Executives, UK)
Ghana-Russia Government Scholarship
Overall Best Student in General Science, Krobo Girls’ Secondary School
Ghana Government Scholarship
Senior Lecturer
  1. Agangiba, W. A, Agangiba, M. and Okai, G. E.Y (2022), "Computational Modeling and Assessment of Acceptance Level of Virtual Learning Platforms", International Journal of Computer Applications, 184 12, 49-54

  2. Paul, G. S., Agangiba, M. A., and Mumuni, F (2021), "Smart Energy Meter with Flexible Billing and Payment Options", Ghana Journal of Technology, 6 1, 36-46

  3. Asiedu, E. B., Agangiba, M. and Aikins, D. (2020), " MiNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Identifying and Categorising Minerals.", Ghana Journal of Technology,, Vol. 5, No.1, , pp.86-92.

  4. Agangiba, M and Agangiba, W.A. (2019), " “Assessing the Impact of Socio-Economic HIV Driving Factors in Ghana: Rural Versus Urban”, ", Ghana Journal of Technology, , Vol. 3, No. 2, , pp. 42-50.

  5. Agangiba, M and Agangiba, W. A. (2019), "“Evaluation of Accessibility for the Visually Impaired- The Case of Higher Education Institutions' Websites in Ghana”, ", Ghana Journal of Technology,, Vol. 3, No. 2, , pp. 58-64

  6. Agangiba M. and Kabanda, S. (2017), " “Research foci, methodologies and theories used in addressing e-government accessibility for persons with disabilities in developing countries”,", International Journal on Information, Knowledge and Management, , Vol. 12, , pp. 245-268.

  7. William Akotam Agangiba and Millicent Akotam Agangiba (2013), "E-governance justified", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Volume 4 2, 223-225

  8. Millicent Akotam Agangiba and A. Gyasi-Agyei (2013), "A Survey of Real-Time Fault-Detection Schemes in Mobile Computing", Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Volume 4 5, 466-469

  9. Agangiba, W. A. and Agangiba M.A. (2013), " “Mobile Solution for Metropolitan Crime Detection and Reporting”, ", Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, , Vol. 4, No. 12, , pp. 916-921.

  10. Agangiba, W.A, Kontoh, M.S and Ansah, A.K.` (2013), " “E-governance public key infrastructure (PKI) model”, ", Int. J. Electronic Governance, , Vol. 6, No. 2, , pp. 133-142

  11. Agangiba, M. A. and Gyasi-Agyei. A (2013), ""A Survey of Real-Time Fault-Detection Schemes in Mobile Computing", ", Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, , Vol. 4, No. 5, , pp 466-469

  12. Albert Kwansah. Ansah, Victoria S. Blankson and Millicent Kontoh (2012), "The Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Front Office Operations of Chain Hotels in Ghana", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, ISSN: 2156-5570 Vol 2 Issue, pp 72-77

  13. Albert K. Ansah, Janus Kyei-Nimakoh, and Millicent Kontoh (2012) (2012), "Analysis of Freeware Hacking Toolkit", International Conference on Computer Science and Applications, World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS 2012), October 24-26, 2012, San Francisco, USA, ISBN: 978-988-19251-6-9 vol 1, pp 140-149

  1. Appiah, O., Martey, E. M., Ninfaakanga, C. B., and Agangiba, M. A (2021), "Content-Based Image Retrieval Framework for Classification of Cocoa Beans", IEEE 8th International Conference on Adaptive Science and Technology (ICAST), 1-6
  2. Agangiba, M., Kabanda, S. and Brown, I., (2018), "“Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in Accessing E-Government Services in Ghana”. ", In the proceedings of 26th European Conference on Information Systems, Portsmouth, United Kingdom.,
  3. Agangiba, M. and Kabanda, S. (2018), " “Accessibility of E-government Services for Persons with Disabilities in Ghana- Web developers’ perspective”.", In the proceedings of the 2nd International Women in Science Without Borders Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.,
  4. Agangiba, M., Nketiah, E.B, and Agangiba, W. A. (2017), " “Web Accessibility for The Visually Impaired: A Case of Higher Education Institutions’ Websites in Ghana”.", In International Conference on Web-Based Learning, Springer, Cham, , pp. 147-153.
  5. Agangiba, M. and Kabanda, S. (2017), " “E-Government Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in Developing Countries -The Case of Ghana”.", In the proceedings of 17th European Conference on Digital Government, Lisbon-Portugal,
  6. Davids, N., Kabanda, S., and Agangiba, M. (2017), " “Accessibility of African E-Government Services for Persons with Disabilities”.", In the proceedings of 17th European Conference on Digital Government, Lisbon-Portugal,
  7. Agangiba, M. A. and Kabanda. S. (2016), "“E-government Accessibility Research Trends in Developing Countries”.", In the proceedings of Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Paphos, Cyprus.,
  8. Agangiba, M. A. and Kabanda. S. (2016), " “Towards a Conceptual Framework for E-Government Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in Developing Countries”. ", In the proceedings of International Conference on Information Resources Management, Cape Town, South Africa, 2016,
  9. Albert K. Ansah, Janus Kyei-Nimakoh, and Millicent Kontoh (2012) (2012), "International Conference on Computer Science and Applications", World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS 2012),, pp 140-149
  10. Ansah, A. K., Kyei-Nimakoh, J. and Kontoh M.S. (2012), " "Analysis of Freeware Hacking Toolkit"", n the proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science and Applications, San Francisco, USA,, pp. 140-149
Introduction to computing Introduction to Database Systems Software Engineering Design Practices in computer science Data communication and Networks