+233 3123 20324/20280
Mining Engineering
Research Interest
Bright obtained his PhD studies in Natural Resources Engineering (Mining Engineering) from Laurentian University, Canada; Master’s degree in Environmental Monitoring and Analysis from Aberystwyth University, UK; and Bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering from the Tarkwa Campus of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), now the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Ghana.
He has over 15 years of surface mining, underground mining, environmental studies, projects management, and lecturing experiences in Ghana, Europe and Canada. His research interest span from surface and underground mining options and transitions optimization using mathematical programming, explosives and blasting technologies, application of geotechnical and ventilation techniques to mine planning and design, resource estimation, environmental geochemistry, impact modelling, and project management.
He is a subject matter expert in mine planning and optimization, mathematical modeling of mining variables, drill and blast optimization, blast impact modeling and prediction studies, atmospheric impact modeling and prediction studies, applied geostatistics, and mine closure, reclamation and remediation studies.