Agorhom, E.A., Lem, J.P., Skinner, W., Zanin, M., (2015), "Challenges and opportunities in the recovery/rejection of trace elements in copper flotation - a review,", Minerals Engineering,, vol.78, , pp. 45-57
Agorhom, E.A., Skinner, W., Zanin, M., (2015), "Post-regrind selective depression of pyrite in pyritic copper-gold flotation using aeration and diethylenetriamine,", Minerals Engineering, vol.72, , pp. 36-46.
Agorhom, E.A., Skinner, W., Zanin, M., (2014), "Diethylenetriamine (DETA) depression of Cu-activated pyrite hydrophobised by xanthate, ", Minerals Engineering,, vol. 57, , pp. 36-42
Agorhom, E.A., Skinner, W., Zanin, M., (2013), "Influence of gold mineralogy on its flotation recovery in a porphyry copper-gold ore, Chemical", Engineering Science,, vol. 99, , pp. 127-138.
Agorhom, E.A., Skinner, W., Zanin, M., (2012), "Upgrading of low-grade gold ore samples for improved particle characterisation using Micro-CT and SEM/EDX (revised), ", Advanced Powder Technology, , vol. 23, , pp. 498-508.
Agorhom, E.A., Zanin, M., Skinner, W., (2014), "Effect of diethylenetriamine and sodium metabisulfite on xanthate-induced flotation of Cu-activated pyrite, ", UMaT 3rd Biennial Mining and Mineral Conference, Tarkwa, ,
Agorhom, E.A., Zanin, M., Skinner, W., (2014), "Selective depression of pyrite and its implications on gold flotation behaviour in porphyry copper-gold ore,", 29th Australia Colloid and Surface Science Student Conference (29th ACSSSC), Ballarat, VIC, ,
Agorhom, E.A., Skinner, W., Zanin, M., (2013), " Pyrite-gold separation from copper rougher flotation tailings, ", CHEMECA 2013, Brisbane, Australia,
Agorhom, E.A., Swierczek, Z., Skinner, W., Zanin, M., (2012), "Combined QXRD-QEMSCAN mineralogical analysis of a porphyry copper-gold ore for the optimisation of the flotation strategy,", IMPC 2012, New Delhi, India,,
Agorhom, E.A., Zanin, M., Skinner, W., (2012), "Effects of gold composition and surface chemistry on flotation and collector adsorption properties,", 28th Australia Colloid and Surface Science Student Conference (28th ACSSSC), Newcastle, NSW,,
Agorhom, E.A., Skinner, W., Zanin, M., (2011), "Upgrading of low-grade gold ore samples for improved particle characterisation using Micro-CT and SEM/EDX,", CHEMECA 2011, Sydney, Australia, ,
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