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Dr. Kofi Kamasa


Head, Department of Management Studies


Management Studies

Research Interest

Monetary & Financial Economics; Economic Growth; International Trade & Finance; Macroeconomics; Public Finance; Economic Impact Assessment; Resource Economics

Dr Kofi Kamasa is an Economist, Researcher and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management Studies, University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa. He holds both PhD and MPhil in Economics from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. He has taught several postgraduate courses including Monetary Economics, Mineral Economics, Quantitative Methods, International Finance, Managerial and Business Economics, Business Statistics, and Financial Econometrics among others. His research areas spans from Monetary & Financial Economics; Economic Growth; International Trade & Finance; Public Finance; Economic Impact Assessment and Resource Economics. He has supervised over 30 postgraduate theses and has published in highly ranked journals including African Development Review (Wiley), Food Security (Springer), and African Journal of Economics and Management Studies (Emerald), among others.

PhD Economics
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Tecchnology
MPhil Economics
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Tecchnology
B.Ed Social Sciences (Economics Major)
University of Cape Coast
• Member, American Economic Association, AEA
• Research Fellow, Institute for Education Studies
• Top Downloaded Paper Award 2018-2019, African Development Review, Wiley
• Top Downloaded Paper Award 2018-2019, African Development Review, Wiley
Higher Academic Achievement Award (PhD Category), Department of Economics, KNUST
Higher Academic Achievement Award (PhD Category), Department of Economics, KNUST
Senior Lecturer
Assistant Lecturer
  1. Kamasa, K., Awuah, L., and Asante, G.N. (2023), "Stock Market Growth in Ghana: Do Financial Sector Reforms Matter", Cogent Business and Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2180843

  2. Kamasa, K., Ankrah, D., Bonuedi, I. and Tetteh, A. (2023), "How germane is banking regulation and supervision to financial sector stability in emerging economies? Empirical evidence from Ghana", African Journal of Economic Review, Vol. 11, No. 4, 66 - 84

  3. Kamasa, K. and Afful, L.S. and Bentum-Ennin, I. (2023), "Impact of Monetary Policy Rate on Commercial Banks’ Lending Rate: Empirical Evidence from Ghana", Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, ,

  4. Kamasa, K., Kpodo, E.F., Bonuedi, I. and Forson, P. (2022), "Does inflation uncertainty hurt domestic investment? Empirical evidence from Ghana", Cogent Economics and Finance, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2115673

  5. Kamasa, K., Bonuedi, I., Nortey, D. and Boateng, F. (2022), "Impact of tax reforms on revenue mobilization in developing economies: Empirical evidence from Ghana", Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Vol. 38, No. 4,

  6. Asante, G. N., Kamasa, K. and Bartlett, M. P. (2022), "Foreign direct investment and economic growth nexus in ECOWAS: the leveraging effect of anti-corruption", Economic Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 14, No. 2, 162 - 174

  7. Asiedu, E.L., Mireku-Gyimah, D., Kamasa, K., and Otoo, H. (2021), "Interest rate, inflation and stock market performance in Ghana: a sector-based vector error correction model perspective", African Journal of Business and Economic Research, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 185-206.

  8. Nyeadi, J. D., Kamasa, K. and Kpinpuo, S. (2021), "Female in top management and firm performance nexus: Empirical evidence from Ghana", Cogent Economics and Finance, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1921323

  9. Ayitey, C., and Kamasa, K. (2021), "Firm Performance in Ghana: The Role of Infrastructure", African Journal of Business and Economics Research, Vol. 16, No. 3, 61-83

  10. Kamasa, K., Mochiah, I., Doku, A. K. and Forson, P. (2020), " The Impact of Financial Sector Reforms on Foreign Direct Investment in an Emerging Economy: Empirical Evidence from Ghana", Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 271 – 284

  11. Bonuedi, I., Kamasa, K. and Opoku, O. E. E. (2020), "Enabling Trade Across Boarders and Food Security in Africa", Food Security, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 1121 – 1140.

  12. Afful, S. and Kamasa, K. (2020), "Interest Rate and Its Threshold Effect on Private Investment: Evidence from Ghana", African Journal of Economic Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 1 – 16.

  13. Kamasa, K., Baidoo, A. D. and Forson, P. (2020), " Do Crude Oil Price Changes Affect Economic Welfare? Empirical Evidence from Ghana", Ghana Mining Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 51 – 58.

  14. Asiedu, E. L., Mireku-Gyimah, D., Kamasa, K. and Otoo, H. (2020), "Testing the Weak Form Efficiency Market Hypothesis on the Ghana Stock Exchange: A Sectoral Analysis", Ghana Journal of Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 79-85.

  15. Kamasa, K., Adu, G. and Oteng-Abayie, E. F. (2019), " Firm Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa: How relevant is Quality of Tax Administration?", African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 75 – 90.

  16. Kamasa, K., Adu, G. and Oteng-Abayie, E. F (2019), " Business Environment and Firms’ Decision to Evade Taxes: Evidence from Ghana", African Journal Business and Economics Research, Vol. 14, No. 1 , pp. 135 – 155.

  17. Bonuedi, I., Kamasa, K. and Boateng, E. (2019), "The Growth Effects of the Bulging Economically Active Population in Sub-Saharan Africa: Do Institutions Matter?", African Development Review, Vol. 31, No. 1 , pp. 71 – 86.

  18. Kamasa, K., Adu, G. and Oteng-Abayie, E. F. (2019), "Tax Compliance in Sub-Saharan Africa: How Important are Non-Pecuniary Factors?", African Journal of Economic Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 154 – 175.

  19. Amankwah, G., Ofori-Abebrese, G. and Kamasa, K. (2018), "An Empirical Analysis of the Sustainability of Public Debt in Ghana", Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol. 8, No. 11, pp. 20 – 38.

  20. Ofori-Abebrese, G., Kamasa, K. and Pickson R. B. (2016), "Investigating the Nexus between Stock Exchange and Economic Growth in Ghana", British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 122-135.

  21. Kamasa, K. and Ofori-Abebrese, G. (2015), " Wagner or Keynes for Ghana? Government Expenditure and Economic Growth Dynamics. A “VAR” Approach", Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, Vol. 4, , pp. 177 – 183.

  22. Ofori-Abebrese, G. and Kamasa, K. (2013), " Do Financial Sector Reforms Promote Private Sector Investment? The Case of Ghana", International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, Vol. 3, No. 09, pp. 129-136.

1st August 2022--date
Head, Management Studies Department
--31st July, 2022
Senior Hall Tutor, Dr M.T. Kofi Hall, UMaT,
Faculty Representative, Office of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (ORIC) Board, UMaT
--31st July 2022
Faculty Training Officer, Faculty of Integrated Management Science, UMaT
--31st July, 2021
Departmental Training Officer, Department of Management Studies, UMaT
Member, UMaT Incubation Hub Management, UMaT
Member, Departmental Planning and Quality Assurance Committee, UMaT
--March 2021
Chairman, Development of Content for Departmental Webpage, UMaT
Member, Committee on Sexual Harassment and Misconduct in UMaT, UMaT
--July 31st 2020
Faculty Examinations Officer, Faculty of Integrated Management Science (FIMS), UMaT
Faculty Representative, Library Committee, UMaT
--July 2020
Department Examinations Officer, Department of Management Studies, UMaT
--July 2017
Department Examinations Officer, Centre for Communications and Entrepreneurship Skills (CENCES), UMaT
--July, 2018
Member, Committee for Position Paper towards “Ghana Beyond Aid”
Member/Secretary, Committee on Reviewing of Existing Welfare Documents of UTAG – UMaT
Member, GUSS Loans Committee, UMaT
--February 2019
Member, Committee to Develop Policy Documents (Occupational Health and Safety, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility), UMaT
• Examiner, Vetting of Examinations for Academic City College, an affiliate of UMaT
• VCs, Representative, Advancement Lecture Series 2017, University of Cape Coast
Member, Registration and Information Sub-Committee, 6th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference
--30th August 2019
Session Chair, Institutions, Trade and Market Integration, African Review of Economics and Finance Conference 2019, Wits Business School, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Postgraduate: Financial Econometrics, Quantitative Methods, International Money and Finance, Mineral Economics, Engineering Economics, Business Economics, Quantitative Finance and Financial Markets, Managerial Economics, Monetary Economics
Undergraduate: Principles of Economics, Principles of Management, Managerial Skills, Ethics in Science, Public Relations
Facilitator, SNV GrEEN Project
Research Fellow, Institute for Education Studies