+233 3123 20324/20280
Examinations Officer
Environmental and Safety Engineering
Research Interest
Spectroscopic Analyses; Design and development of nanocrystals as heterogeneous catalysts; Soil Chemistry; Waste Valorisation for environmental applications; Clay Minerals; Environmental Analysis
Dr Thomas Wi-Afedzi is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Environmental and Safety Engineering. He received his PhD in Environmental Engineering in 2020 from the NCHU (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan). He has authored several papers in SCI ranked journals and conference. His research areas include Spectroscopic Analyses; Design and development of nanocrystals as heterogeneous catalysts; Soil Chemistry; Waste valorisation for environmental applications; Clay Minerals; Environmental Analysis. He teaches courses, such as, Environmental Management; Air Pollution Control Technology; Physical and Analytical Chemistry; Principles of Environmental Engineering; Introduction to Fire Safety and Management and Climate and Pollution Control.