+233 3123 20324/20280
Mathematical Sciences
Research Interest
Derivative and Alternative Investments Asset Pricing Risk Modelling and Hedging
Masha Ahoba Buah is a lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Mines and Technology,(UMaT), Tarkwa Ghana. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from the University of Ghana-Legon and a Master of Science in Mathematics (Financial Engineering) from UMaT and Doctor of Phillosophy(Mathematics) from UMaT. She is a member of the Intermational Biomertric Society and a member of the Association of Women in Mathematics. Her research work focuses on Financial Risk Mitiagion in the Energy and Capital Markets. She served as the Regional Trainer in the 2021 Population and Housing Census and a Field Officer in the 2018 Census of Agriculture which was organised by the Ghana Statistical Service where she was activley involved in the training of enumerators on data collection procedures. Her research interests include Derrivative and Alternative Investments, Assets Pricing, Risk Modelling and Hedging.