Addei, C. and Osei, C. E. (2019), "“Thematic Analysis of the Aboakyer Festival Songs and Libation Texts”, ", Journal of English Language and Literature,, Vol. 11, No.1, , pp.1070-1073.
Addei, C., (2018), "““Walahé!”;“You should have seen it”:", Validating the Truth of Wartime Absurdities in Ahmadou Kourouma’s Allah is Not Obliged, Gragoatá, , Vol. 23, No. 45, pp. 24 – 44.
Osei, C.E. and Addei, C. (2018), "An Analysis of the Aboakyer Festival as Drama. ", Journal of English Language and Literature, , 10(1), , pp.989- 994.
Addei, C. (2018), " ““Rape or Die”: War as Initiation Rite in Chris Abani’s Song for Night”, ", Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, , Vol. 23, Iss. 7, , pp. 20 – 26.
Addei, C., Osei, C. and Annin, F. (2013), " “Ngugi and Post-Colonial Africa: History, Politics and Morality in Petals of Blood and Matigari”,", International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research,, Vol. 2, No. 9, , pp. 164 – 171.
Sanka, C.G. and Addei, C. (2013), "“Comedy As a Way of Correcting the Ills of Society: A Critical Reading of Wole Soyinka’s The Trials of Brother Jero and Harold Pinter’s The Caretaker”, ", International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research,, Vol. 2, No. 9, , pp. 20 – 26.
Sanka, C.G., Annin, F. and Addei, C. (2013), "“Ama Ata Aidoo and the Akan Culture: A Critique of The Dilemma of a Ghost and Anowa”. ", International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research,, Vol. 2, No. 9, , pp. 89 – 95.
Osei, C. and Addei, C. (2013), " “The Effects of Child Abuse on the Victims and the Community – A critical Analysis of Amma Darko’s Faceless and Lawrence Darmani’s Grief Child”, ", Journal Of Humanities And Social Science,, Vol. 16, Issue 4,, pp. 97-108.
Osei, C.E. and Addei, C. (2012), "“Literature and the African culture: a study of The Dilemma of a Ghost and The Marriage of Anansewa”, ", Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, , Vol. 4, No. 1, , pp. 34 – 44.
Addei, C. and Osei, C. E. (2012), " “The Position of Women in Greek and African Culture: A Study of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata and Rotimi’s Our Husband has Gone Mad Again”, ", Current Research Journal of Social Sciences,, Vol. 4, No. 3, , pp. 207 – 212.
Addei, C. and Amankwah, R. K. (2011), "“Myths and Superstition in the Small Scale Mining Industry of Ghana”, ", Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Science, , Vol. 3, No. 3, , pp. 249 – 245.
Kakraba, A. D. and Addei, C. (2011), "“Reunification and the Search for African Identity in Armah’s Osiris Rising and KMT”,", Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, , Vol. 3, No. 5, , pp. 426 – 431.
Addei, C. and Annin, F. (2011), " “The Picture of Traditional African Women in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God”, ", International Journal of Management Science, , Vol. 3 No. 5, , pp. 1 – 6.
Addei, C. and Addei, I. (2010), "“Celebration of African Women in Proverbs, Wise Saying and Folktales: An Example of Akan Tradition in Ghana”, ", Journal of Communication and Culture,, Vol. 1, No. 3, , pp. 1-13.
Addei, I., Addei, C. and Broni-Bediako, E. (2010), "“The Oil and Gas find at Cape Three Points – Expectations of the Neighbouring Communities’, ", Proceedings of the First Biennial UMaT Inter-national Conference on Mining & Mineral Processing, Expanding the Frontiers of Mining Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana, , pp. 1 – 12.