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Assoc. Prof Michael S. Aduah


Vice Dean, Planning and Quality Assurance Unit


Geomatic Engineering

Research Interest

Land use and sustainable development, catchment/forest hydrology, Land use and climate change impact analysis, land use simulation and planning, Remote sensing,systems Analysis and Environmental Modelling,GIS for Infrastrucutre Management,Flood mapping and monitoring,GPS and Land surveys

Michael S. Aduah is an Associate Professor at the Department of Geomatic Engineering. He holds BSc in Geodetic
Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST, Ghana), a double MSc degree in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation from Lund University (Sweden) and ITC(University of Twente, The Netherlands) and a PhD in Hydrology from the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), South Africa. He is a memeber of the Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana (LISAG), Professional Member of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors and a member of the International Association of Hydrological Science (IAHS) as well as a member of the IGU Commission on Water Sustainability. His research interests includes the development of tools and techniques in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for modelling the environment, land use science and sustainability, land use/change modelling, surface water/forest/catchment hydrology and assessment of global change impacts on the environment.

Google profile:


PhD Hydrology
University of KwaZulu Natal
Msc(Netherlands), Msc (Sweden)
Lunds University/ITC (University of Twente)
GIS Certificate (Netherlands)
ITC (University of Twente)
Bsc (KNUST, Ghana)
University of KwaZulu Natal
University of Southampton(UK),Lund University(Sweden),ITC(University of Twente,the Netherlands)
ITC, (the Netherlands)
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology(KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana
Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana (LISAG)
Member, IGU Commission on Water Sustainability
International Association of Hydrological Science (IAHS)
Member, Global Lands Program, Working Group on Large Scale Behavioural Models of Land Use Changes
Professional Member (MGhIS),Ghana Institution of Surveyors
European Union Erasmus Mundus Scholarship
NUFFIC Fellowship
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Teaching Assistant
  1. Aduah, M. S and Mantey, S. (2023), "Assessment of Land Use Efficiencies of Ghanaian Cities: Case Study of Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis", South African Journal of Geomatics, 12 1, 86-97

  2. Aduah, M. S., Jewitt, G. P. W. and Toucher, M. L.W. (2021), "Scenario-based Impacts of Land Use and Climate Changes on the Hydrology of a Forested Catchment in Ghana, West Africa", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 10 4, 217-230

  3. Mantey, S. and Aduah, M. S (2021), "Comparative Analysis of Stockpile Volume Estimation using UAV and GPS Techniques", Ghana Mining Journal, 21 1, 1-10

  4. Mantey, S. and Aduah, M. S. (2021), "Comparison of Object-Based Classifiers and Traditional Pixel-Based Classification Techniques using Landsat Imagery", Ghana Journal of Technology, 5 2, 60-69

  5. Mantey, S. and Aduah, M. S. (2021), "Assessment of Positional Accuracies of UAV-Based Coordinates Derived from Orthophotos at Varying Times of the Day- A Case Study", South African Journal of Geomatics, 10 1, 46-59

  6. Aduah, M. S. and Mantey, S. (2020), "Modelling Potential Future Urban Land Use Changes in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Area, Ghana", Ghana Journal of Technology, 4 2, 26-32

  7. Aduah, M. S., Jewitt, G. P. W and Toucher, M. L. W. (2020), "Estimating Scenario-based Impacts of Climate and Land use Changes on Potential River Ecology of a Rainforest Catchment in Ghana, West Africa", Ghana Journal of Technology, 4 2, 43-56

  8. Mantey, S. and Aduah, M. S. (2020), "Spatio-Temporal Land Use-Land Cover Changes in Wassa Amenfi East and Upper Denkyira East Districts of Ghana", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 9 3, 10-18

  9. Mantey, S. and Aduah, M. S. (2020), "Determination of Soil Erosion Vulnerability in the Lafa Basin of Ghana using RUSLE and GIS", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 9 1, 247 - 254

  10. Aduah, M. S., Toucher, M. L. and Jewitt, G. P. W. (2018), "Estimating Potential Future (2030 and 2040) Land Use in the Bonsa Catchment, Ghana, West Africa", South African Journal of Geomatics, 7 3, 279 - 291

  11. Aduah, M. S., Jewitt, G. P. W. and Toucher, M. L.W. (2018), "Assessing Impacts of Land Use Changes on the Hydrology of a Lowland Rainforest Catchment in Ghana, West Africa", Water, 10 9, 1-15

  12. Aduah, M. S., Jewitt, G. P. W. and Toucher, M. L. W. (2017), "Assessing suitability of the ACRU Hydrological Model in a Rainforest Catchment in Ghana, West Africa", Water Science, 31 2, 198-214

  13. Aduah M. S., Warburton, M. L and Jewitt, G. (2015), "Analysis of Land Cover Changes in the Bonsa Catchment, Ankobra Basin, Ghana", Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 13 4, 935 - 955

  14. Raymond Aabeyir and Michael S. Aduah (2014), "Assessment of encroachment of urban streams in Ghana: a case study of Wa Municipality.", Journal of Natural Resources and Development, 4 4, 10-17

  15. Aduah, M. S. and Baffoe, P. E. (2013), "Remote Sensing for Mapping Land-Use/Cover Changes and Urban Sprawl in Secondi-Takoradi, Western Region of Ghana.", The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 3 10, 66-74

  16. Kwesi, E. A. A., Aduah, M. S. and Baffoe P. E. (2013), "Re-surveys and Registration of Old Land Parcels in Mining Communities ? Challenges and the Way Forward", Land Acquisition and Registration in Ghana, The Way Forward, ,

  17. Aduah, M. S. and S., Mantey (2012), "Remote sensing for mapping wetland floods in Kafue Flats of Zambia", Ghana Mining Journal, 13 13, 33-40

  18. Aduah, M. S., S., Mantey and N. D. Tagoe (2012), "Mapping land surface temperature and land cover to detect urban heat island effect: a case study of Tarkwa, South West Ghana", Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 4 1, 68-75

  19. Aduah, M. S. and R. Aabeyir (2012), "Land cover dynamics in Wa Municipality, Upper West Region of Ghana", Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 4 6, 658-644

  20. Aduah, M. S., S., Mantey and N. D. Tagoe (2011), "GIS in Water Supply Network Maintenance in Tarkwa, South Western Ghana", Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 3 6, 737 744

  21. Aduah, M. S., S., Mantey and E. A. A., Kwesi (2011), "Remote sensing and GIS in Modeling Actual Evapotranspiration: A case study using the Triangle Method in Tarkwa, South West Ghana", European Journal of Scientific Research, 62 2, 257-266

  22. Mantey, S., N. D., Tagoe and M. S., Aduah (2011), "Detecting areas of Vegetation change in the Densu River Basin, Ghana", River Basin Management VI, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 146 146, 37- 48

  1. Aduah, M. S. and Amankwah, R. K. (2018), "Impacts of Potential Future Surface Mining on the Hydrology of the Neung Forest Sub-catchment, Bonsa catchment, Ghana", Fifth UMaT International Mining and Mineral conference,
  2. M. S. Aduah, E. A. A. Kwesi, V. Riekerk and M. Gylstra (2012), "Mapping floodplain elevations with Omnistar Kinematic DGPS in Kafue Flats, Zambia", Annual Seminar of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS), 22-23 August 2012, Accra, Ghana, page 2, session 2
  3. Kwesi, E. A. A. , S., Mantey and M. S. Aduah (2011), "Land Compensation in the Oil and Gas regions of Ghana-Challenges involved and the role of the Surveyor", The Ghana Surveyor, special Land Survey Division Seminar, 2011 edition, pp. 9-16.
  4. Mantey, S., and M. S., Aduah (2010), "Developing an Online Map for the Accra Metropolis Using Map Server", 1st UMaT International Mining and Mineral Conference, Tarkwa, Ghana, pp.11.
August 2018--Dec 2019
Team Member, Mapping Team of Inter-Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining (IMCIM) and Supervisor, Surveying and mapping of small-scale mining concession boundaries in five mining regions of Ghana, IMCIM, Office of the President Annex, Accra, Ghana.
5th August, 2020: --10th August, 2020
Panel Member and Remote Sensing Expert, Evaluation of expression of interest (EOI) for provision of consultancy services for pilot study to use Satellite and Remote sensing technology to monitor areas of soil/land degradation in Artisanal Small-Scale Mining Areas (ASM) in Ghana, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Accra, Ghana.
External Examiner, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
External Examiner, Department of Environmental Science, University of Botswana, Botswana
2018 --2024
Resource person/Lecturer, Short courses on UAV Batteries and Basic Aviation meteorology and GIS for mapping and monitoring.
Freelance Surveyor, Pre-marking of ground controls for provision of orthophotomaps of Enchi, Asankrangua and Wassa Akropong Districts in Western Region and Cape Coast, Elmina, Saltpond, Mankesim and Besease in Central Region, under Ghana's Land Administration project(LAP), Rudan Engineering Company Ltd, Accra, Ghana.
Freelance Surveyor, Power line rout Survey (Kumasi-Obuasi new rout), Volta River Authority (VRA), Ghana:Rudan Engineering Ltd, Accra, Ghana
Freelance Surveyor,Topographic Survey(GPS) of a 600km railline corridor:Forkariah to Simandou,Guinea;a project by the Rio Tinto Irone Ore Mining Group, executed by Merret Surveys(Exeter,UK) and Infoterra-Global(UK)--(October-December )
Development of GIS for Infrastructure Management;Ghana Ports and Habours Authority, Tema
Development of GIS for property Rate, Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly, Secondi, Ghana
Developement of GIS for road referencing, Department of urban roads, Accra, Ghana
19th October, 2020:--23rd October, 2020
Panel Member and Remote Sensing Expert, Evaluation of Technical Project proposals for provision of consultancy services for pilot study to use Satellite and Remote sensing technology to monitor areas of soil/land degradation in Artisanal Small-Scale Mining Areas (ASM) in Ghana, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Accra, Ghana.
Assessment of Urban Quality of life in Ghana
investigating maping of crop fields in Ghana using remote sensing
Mapping land surface temperature and land cover to detect urban heat island effect: a case study of Tarkwa, South West Ghana
Land cover dynamics in Wa Municipality, Upper West Region of Ghana
Mapping floodplain elevations with Omnistar Kinematic DGPS in Kafue Flats, Zambia
GIS and Remote sensing in Mapping and Modelling Actual Evapotranspiration using the triangle method, case study in Tarkwa
GIS in Water Supply Network Maintenance in Tarkwa, South Western Ghana
Multi-temporal remote sensing for mapping and monitoring floods,an approach towards validation of the KAFRIBA model,Kafue Flats,Zambia:an ITC Msc research,Funded by the European Union and the Netherlands Government.see Thesis at
Positioning Astronomy
Geographical Information Systems (undergraduate and postgraduate, Geomatic Engineering )
GIS and Remote sensing (MSc Geological Engineering )
Land Surveying Practicals
Computer Applications in Geomatics Engineering (undergraduate and postgraduate)
Urban Planning
Remote sensing and photogeology
Elements of Geospatial Science
Licensed Land Surveyor, Lands Commission, Ghana
Remote sensing and GIS consultant, Geovision, Netherlandsb30;Geo-information for monitoring Kafue flats wetlands, Zambia: DGPS/OminiSTAR and satellite remote sensing for developing digital elevation model (DEM) for Kafue flats wetlands, Zambia.
Freelance Land surveyor, Rudan Engineering Company Ltd, Haatso, Accra, Ghana.b30;pre-marking and building of ground control points for provision of orthophoto maps of Enchi, Asankragua and Wassa Akropong Districts (Western Region) and Cape Coast, Mankesim, Elmina, Beseasi, Saltpond (Central Region) under Ghana"?s Land Administration project(LAP).
Freelance Land surveyor, Merrett surveys Partnership Ltd, Exeter, UK.b30;Ground control survey with Leica GPS instruments for mapping of a 20km corridor of the proposed 600km rail line from Forecariah to Simandou ; the Simandou Iron Ore Project, The Rio Tinto Mining Group, Guinea
Geodetic Engineer, Grontmij Aerosat Surveys Ghana Ltd, Accra, Ghana.b30;GIS Analystb30;Land Surveyor (GPS)b30;Digital Mappingb30;Project proposals, reports and GIS project demosb30;co-managed the development of SAEMA property tax GIS (Takoradi, Ghana)b30;Planned project execution: Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority property GIS, Tema, Ghana.
Reviewer- International Journal of Remote Sensing (IJRS).
Research Associate-Artisanal Mining, Smallholder Farming and Economic Development: Developing a Strategy for Poverty Alleviation in Rural Ghana (Funded by Development Partnerships in Higher Education, UK)