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6. G Obeng-Koranteng, RK Kavi, KA Bugyei, P Anafo (2017), "Information sources used by Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) Growers in Aduamoa in Kwahu East district in the Eastern Region, Ghana", Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Vol. 19 No.3, 1 – 19
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2. Anafo Peter (2014), "Marketing Strategies for Information Services: a Case Study of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana) Library and Information Services", Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)., 1033 1033,
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3. Dodoo, Victoria, Anafo Peter and Christopher, K.F. (2012), "Management of Digital Collections in Academic Libraries in Ghana: a Case Study of the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa and the University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast", Proceedings of 8th Seminar of the Committee of University Librarians and their Deputies, ,