+233 3123 20324/20280
Quantity Surveyor
Works and Physical Development Office
Sefam A. Afewu is a Building Technologist by training (Construction Projects Management, Quantity Surveying, and Construction Technology) and holds a Master of Science Degree in Procurement Management from the Kwame Nkrumah Univerisity of Science and Technology (KNUST).
Sefam is a practicing Quantity Surveyor and a Professional Member of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors. She heads the Quantity Surveying Section of the Works and Physical Development Office of the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa.
She holds over a decade's experience working with Building Construction and Consultancy firms and has a diversity of skills in Project Management and Contracting, Valuation of Works, Procurement, Construction Supervision and the Maintenane of Works.
She is known in her professional circles as a dedicated and consistent cool head that is able to walk that fine line between client desires and professionalism.