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+233 3123 20324/20280

Assoc. Prof Lewis Brew




Mathematical Sciences

Research Interest

Algebraic Topology /Statistical Analysis/Time Series Analysis/Abstract and Linear Algebra

  1. Associate Professor Lewis Brew holds a PhD in Pure Mathematics from University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa,Ghana, Master of Science in Pure Mathematics from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana and Bachelor of Education degree in Applied Mathematics from (UEW), University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
  2.  Associate Professor Lewis Brew also holds Certificate “A” in teaching from Akrokerri Training College, Akrokerri, Ghana and Diploma in Human Resource from ICM, UK.
  3.  Associate Professor Lewis Brew is the Dean of Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences (FCaMS), UMaT and lectures in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
  4.  He is a Mathematician, Educationist and a Professional teacher with many awards from Ghana Education Service.
  5.  His research area includes the study of Algebraic Topology, Abstract Algebra, Statistical analysis and Time series analysis.
  6. He lectures in Calculus, Statistics, Time Series, Algebraic Topology, Abstract Algebra and Linear Algebra
  7.  He has participated in different national and international research conferences and has several publications in many refereed journals. 
PhD (Mathematics)
University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa
MSc (Mathematics)
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi
Diploma (Human Resource)
Institute of Commercial Mgt -(UK)
B.Ed (Mathematics)
University of Education, Winneba
Cert "A" (Post Sec)
Akrokerri Training College
GCE Advanced level
Fijai Secondary School, Sekondi
GCE Ordinary evel
St John's Secondary School, Sekondi
University of Mines and Technology, (UMaT)
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Institute of Commercial Management (ICM), UK (Distance)
University of Education, Winneba, Ghana
Akrokerri Training College, Akrokerri, Ghana
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Sciences (Reviewer)
International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
Mathematics Association of Ghana
Swiss Mathematical Society
University Teachers Association
Ghana National Association of Teachers
Jomoro District first runner best teacher
National Service best personnel in Education, Ghana
Captain of Soccer Champion, Western Region, Ghana
2022--up-to date
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Assistant Lecturer
  1. Asieduwaa Osei, P., Brew, L., Amankwah, R. A., Ziggah, Y, YOwusu, C (2024), "Gold cyanide leaching recovery prediction model based on neighbourhood component analysis and artificial intelligence technique", Springer: Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol. 10 No. 1007, pp. 1 - 16

  2. Barikisu Ntiwaa, A, Brew, L., Acquah, J. 1 (2024), "Multi-Class Classification of Genetic Mutation Using Machine Learning Models", Computational Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 280 - 315

  3. Otoo, H., Dadzie, B. M., Brew, L. (2024), "Existence of Solutions of a Convolution Integral Equation", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics , Vol. 12 ISSN 2327 - 4379, pp. 1835 - 1847

  4. Ocloo, S. K., Brew, L., Nasiru, S., Odoi, B (2023), "On the Extension of the Burr XII Distribution: Applications and Regression", Computational Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 1 - 30

  5. Borbor, S. Brew, L., Acquah, J. (2023), "Mathematical Model for the Control of Unemployment on Ghana’s Labour Market", Earthline Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.11 No. 2, pp. 211-228.

  6. Anafo, A. Y., Brew, L., Nasiru, S. (2022), "The Modified Extended Chen Distribution: Properties and Application to Rainfall Data", Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. 121 - 139

  7. Ocloo, S. K., Brew, L., Nasiru, S., Odoi, B. (2022), "Harmonic Mixture Fre´chet Distribution: Properties and Applications to Lifetime Data", Hindawi International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2022 Article ID 6460362, 20 pp.

  8. Zigli, D. D., Brew L., Kwofie, S., Obeng-Denteh, W. (2021), " “On the Application of Homeomorphism on Amoeba Proteus”, ", Ghana Journal of Technology, , Vol. 5, No. 2, , pp. 43 - 47.

  9. Twenefour, B.K.F., Ayitey, E., Kangah, J., Brew, L. (2021), " “Time Series Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents in Ghana”,", Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, , Vol. 11 No. 2, , AJPAS 65335.

  10. Odoi, B., Brew, L., Attafuah, C. (2021), ""The use of Principal Component Regression and Time Series Analysis to Predict Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Ghana” ", Energy Research Journal, , Vol.12, No.1, , pp.1-12.

  11. Anafo, A. Y., Brew, L., Nasiru, S. (2021), "The Equilibrium Renewal Burr XII Distribution Properties and Applications", Asian Journal of Probabilty and Statistics, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 18 - 40

  12. Zigli, D.D., Obeng-Denteh, W., Brew, L., Ansah, R.K (2021), " The Homotopical Proof of n1(S, x0) as a Fundamental Group in a General Interval ", Advance in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 377-385.

  13. Brew, L., Obeng-Denteh, W., Asante-Mensa, F. (2020), " “Analytical Consideration of Growth in Population via Homological Invariant in Algebraic Topology” ", Journal of Mathematics, Hindawi, , Vol.2020, Article ID 4948304, , 5 pages

  14. Brew, L., Boahemaa, B. M., Brew Ebella, C. (2020), "“Analytical Approximation of Advertising Impact on Sale of Products Using Differential Equation Model” ", Journal of Applied Mathematics, , Vol. 4, No. 8, , pp. 171-175.

  15. Zigli D. D., Brew, L. and Otoo, H. (2020), " “Homotopical Proof of Π1(S, xo) as a Fundamental Group with Respect to “o” in the Interval [0,n],” ", International Journal of Algebra, , Vol. 14, No. 4, , pp. 191 – 201.

  16. Brew, L., Belinda, K. E., Wiah, N. E. (2020), " “Cointegration Analysis of the Relationship between the Prices of Crude Oil and Its Petroleum Products in Ghana” ", Journal of Mathematical Finance,, Vol. 10, No. 4, , pp. 717-727

  17. Buah, A. M., Brew, L., Asante, E. (2020), " “Trend Analysis of Crude Oil Prices in Ghana” ", International Journal of Applied Science and Mathematics, , Vol. 7, Issue 5, ISSN (Online), , pp. 2394-2894

  18. Brew, L., Obeng-Denteh, W., Zigli, D. D. (2019), " "Application of Homotopy to the Ageing Process of Human Body Within the Framework of Algebraic Topology,"", Journal of Mathematics Research, , Vol. 11, No. 4, , pp. 21-25

  19. Brew, L., Crankson, M. V., Nyarko, F., Ampofi, I. (2019), " "Gross Domestic Product and Inflation rates on Unemployment in Ghana: Comparative Analysis of Multiple Regression and Covariance Matrix Models",", Journal of Applied Mathematics, , Vol. 7, No.1, , pp. 5 -12.

  20. Acquah, J., Buabeng, A., Brew, L. (2018), " "Comparative Study of Mathematical Models for Population Growth in Ghana Prisons," ", Ghana Journal of Technology, , Vol. 3, No. 1, , pp. 25 – 30.

  21. Brew, L., Acquah, J., Nyarko, F., Amidu. M. (2018), " "Matrix Dynamics of Migration Trends of Rural-Urban Population in Ghana", ", Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (SJAM), , Vol. 6, No. 2, , pp. 58-64.

  22. Simons, A., Brew, L., Buabeng, A., Nador, H. (2018), " "Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emission in Ghana", ", Ghana Journal of Technology (GJT), , Vol 2, No. 2, , pp. 1- 6.

  23. Brew, L., Acquah, J., Amegbey, N. (2017), " “Extension of 2-Dimensional Planar Systems from Homological Algebra Perspective,” ", American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ASRJETS), , Vol. 38, No. 1, , pp. 112 – 117.

  24. Brew, L., Nyarko, P. K., Nyarko, C. C. (2014), " “Statistical Analysis of Electricity Generation and Consumption in Ghana”. ", International Journal of Science and Research, , Vol. 3, No.7, , pp. 1760-1766.

  25. Gyebil, F. J., Anyan, F. Y., Adu, K. I., Brew, L., Marshall, W. B. and Yeboah, M. A. (2014), ""Application of Max-Min Ant System in Modeling the Inspectorial Tour of Main Sales Point of GHACEM in Ghana”. ", Mathematical Theory and Modeling, , Vol. 4, No. 9, , pp. 183-191.

  26. Brew, L. and Wiah, E. N. (2012), " “An Assessment of the Efficiency in the Collection of Value Added Tax Revenue in Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality Using Time Series Model”, ", British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, , Vol. 6, No. 2, . , pp. 140-150

  27. Wiah, E. N., Adetunde, I. A. and Brew, L. (2012), " “Mathematical Modelling of the Interaction of Hepatitis B Virus with the immune System including the effect of Therapy”, ", International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences, , , pp. 53-72.

  28. Brew, L. (2011), " “Mathematical Activities and Classroom Based Factors that Support Senior High School Students’ Mathematical Performance”, ", British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, , Vol. 2 No.1, , pp. 11-20.

  1. Buabeng, A., Brew, L., Odoi, B., Obiri-Yeboah, F. (2020), "“Effect of Climate Change on Maize Production in Ghana-A comparative Study of Parametric and Non-Parametric Regression models”,", 6th UMaT Biennial International Mining Conference,,
  2. Nyarko, C. C., Nyarko, P. K., Brew, L. (2018), "“Multinomial Analysis of Ageing Dynamics in Ghana” 5th UMaT Biennial International Mining Conference,", 5th UMaT Biennial International Mining Conference,,
  3. Brew, L. and Nyarko P. K. (2012), " “Estimation of Rainfall Frequency and the Prediction of Hydrologic Floods in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality using Exceedence Probaility” ", 2nd UMaT Biennial International Mining Conference,, pp. 386 -393.
  4. Appiah T. S., Wiah, E.N., Brew, L., Kwarteng, F. (2012), "“Comparative Study of Mathematical models for Population Projection”, ", 2nd UMaT Biennial International Mining Conference, , pp. 359-365.
  5. Eshun, E. and Brew, L. (2012), "“An Assessment of Information and Communication Technology Usage in Educational Institutions in Metropolitan, Urban and Rural Divide”, ", 2nd UMaT Biennial International Mining Conference, , pp. 394 -401.
2023--to -date
Dean of Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Vice Dean - Faculty of Engineering
Head of Department of Mathematical Science
UMaT SRID Programme Co-ordinator
Member, University Search Committee for Vice-Chancellor
Head of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
Non-Professorial Representative, University Governing Council
Chairman, Committee to Scrutinize Examination Results of Postgraduate Students
Senior Hall Tutor, Chamber of Mines, UMaT, Tarkwa.
Sports Co-ordinator, University of Mines & Technology .(UMaT), Tarkwa
Examination Officer, Department of Mathematical Sciences, UMaT, Tarkwa
Lecturing various courses at the Undergraduate level, Elements of Abstract Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Topology, Real Analysis, Mathematical Analysis, Time Series and Forecasting and Trigonometry, Statistics, Linear Algebra,