Osei, H. and Kporngor, J. A. (2019), "Rheological Effects of Power Law Drilling Fluids on Cuttings Transportation in Non-Vertical Boreholes", Ghana Journal of Technology, Vol. 4 No. 1, 65 - 72
Osei, H. and Al-Kayiem, H. H. (2019), "Experimental Study of a Hydrocyclonic Oil-Water Separator for Downhole Separation", Ghana Journal of Technology, Vol. 4 No. 1, 57-64
Owusu, M. and Osei, H. (2019), "Biopolymer Drill-in Fluid Performance for Different Rheological Models using Statistical Characterisation", Ghana Mining Journal, Vol. 19 No. 1, 86-92
Bavoh, C. B., Lal, B., Osei, H., Ayuob, M. (2018), "“Combined Inhibition Effect of 1-Ethyl-3-methy-limidazolium Chloride + Glycine on Methane Hydrate”,", IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics, , Vol. 1123, , pp. 1 – 6
Osman, A. B., Ovinis, M., Faye, I., Hashim F. M. and Osei, H. (2018), "“An Optical Flow Measurement Technique based on Continuous Wavelet Transform” ", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, , Vol. 11, No. 3, , pp. 695-707
Osman, A. B., Ovinis, M., Hashim, F. M., Mohammed, Kh., and Osei, H. (2017), "“Time Delay Estimation Using Continuous Wavelet Transform Coefficients”", Advanced Science Letters, American Scientific Pub., , Vol. 23, No. 2,, pp. 1299–1303,
Osei, H., Al-Kayiem, H. H. and Osman, A. B. (2016), " “Flow Dynamics Behaviour of a Novel Liquid-Liquid Hydrocyclone with Varying Upper Cylindrical Lengths and Number of Inlets”", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,, Vol. 11, No. 20, , pp. 12159 – 12164,
Osman, A. B., Ovinis, M., Osei, H. and Hashim, F. M. (2016), "“A Review of Optical Flow Models Applied for Fluid Motion Estimation” ", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,, Vol. 11, No. 20, , pp. 12181 –12187,
Osei, H., Al-Kayiem, H. H. and Hashim, F. M. (2015), "“Numerical Studies on the Separation Performance of Liquid-Liquid Hydrocyclone for Higher Water-Cut Wells”", IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , Vol. 100, , pp. 1 – 7,
Al-Kayiem, H. H., Osei, H., Yin, K. Y. and Hashim, F. M. (2014), " “A comparative study on the hydrodynamics of liquid–liquid hydrocyclonic separation” ", A chapter in Advances in Fluid Mechanics X, WIT Press, UK,, Vol. 82, , pp. 361 – 370,
Osei, H., Al-Kayiem, H. H. and Hashim, F. M. (2014), "“Theoretical background and the flow fields in downhole liquid-liquid hydrocyclone (LLHC)”,", MATEC Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences,, Vol. 13, , pp. 1 – 5,
. H. Osei, H. H. Al-Kayiem, F. M. Hashim, (2016), " “Liquid-liquid Hydrocyclone Application for Bayan Mature Oil Wells – A Pilot Study”,", UTP Bi-Annual Postgraduate Conference, Malaysia,, pp. 1 – 5
H. Osei, H. H. Al-Kayiem, F. M. Hashim, (2016), "“Flow Dynamics Behaviour of a Novel Liquid-Liquid Hydrocyclone with Varying Upper Cylindrical Lengths and Number of Inlets”,", UTP Bi-Annual Postgraduate Conference, Malaysia,, pp. 1 – 5.
. H. Osei, H. H. Al-Kayiem, F. M. Hashim, (2015), "“Malaysian’s Higher Water-Oil Fluids and Specialized Flow Loop for Separation”", UTP Bi-Annual Postgraduate Conference, Malaysia, , 1 – 6.
H. Osei, H. H. Al-Kayiem, F. M. Hashim, (2015), "Experimental Hydrocyclonic Separation of Oil/Water in Matured Oilfields, ", UTP Bi-Annual Postgraduate Conference, Malaysia, pp. 1 – 5.
H. Osei, H. H. Al-Kayiem, F. M. Hashim, (2014), "“Design of Liquid-liquid Hydrocyclone for Higher Water-Cut Wells – A Pilot Study” ", UTP Bi-Annual Postgraduate Conference, Malaysia,, pp. 1 – 5.
M. Owusu and H. Osei, (2012), "“Statistical Characterization of Performance of Biopolymer Drill-In Fluid for Different Rheological Models”, ", 2nd UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, Tarkwa, Ghana , pp. 514 – 520.
H. Osei, and J. A., Kporngor, (2010), "“The Rheological Effects of Power Law Drilling Fluids on Cuttings Transportation in Non-Vertical Boreholes”, ", 1st UMaT Biennial International Conference on Mining & Mineral Processing, Expanding the Frontiers of Mining Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana, , pp. 1-21.
J. A. Kporngor, and H. Osei, (2010), "“Comparison of the Effect of Pipe Inclination on Liquid Holdup Using Beggs and Brill Correlation” ", 1st UMaT Biennial International Conference on Mining & Mineral Processing, Expanding the Frontiers of Mining Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana,, pp. 1-23
H. Osei and J. J. Gordon, (2010), " “The Effect of Support Rocks on Heap Leaching Performance of Weathered/Lateritic Ores”", 3rd International Conference on Research and Development, Miklin Hotels, Accra, Ghana, , pp. 116-120.