Boakye, K.O., Ahenkorah, I, Ewusi, A and Fiadonu, E.B. (2021), "“Assessment of Flood Prone Zones in the Tarkwa Mining Area of Ghana Usiing a GIS-Based Approach,”", Environmental Challenges., ,
Ewusi, A., Ahenkorah, I and Aikins, D, (2021), " “Modelling of Total Dissolved Solids in Water Supply Systems Using Regression and Supervised Machine Learning Approaches,”", Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 5(1), Applied Water Science 11:13 ,
Ewusi, A and Seidu, J, (2020), " “Borehole Rehabilitation: A Case Study in the Dunkwa Mining Town,”", Ghana Mining Journal,, Vol. 20 , pp. 11-17
Ewusi, A, Seidu, J and Amadu, S, (2020), " Application of Geophysics for Quick Determination of Deposit in Mineral Exploration - A Case Study,”", Journal of Natural Sciences Research, Vol 11, , pp 19-31.
Ewusi, A and Seidu, J, (2020), "“Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Health Risk of Heavy Metals: A study from the Tarkwa Mining Area, Ghana”", Ghana Mining Journal, Vol. 20 , pp. 1-10
Ewusi, A and Seidu, J, (2020), "Efficacy of Geophysical Techniques for Groundwater Exploration in the Volta Basin, North-ern Region of Ghana,”", Ghana Mining Journal, Vol 19, , pp 10-19
Seidu, J., Ewusi, A. and Kuma, J. S. Y. (2019), " "Combined Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Electromagnetic Survey for Groundwater Studies in the Tarkwa Mining Area Mining Area, Ghana",", Ghana Mining Journal,, Vol. 19 , pp. 29-41.
Ewusi, A., Adatsi, E., Aikins, D. and Seidu, J. (2018), " “Integrated Geophysical Study to Delineate Mineralised Zones in Southwest Ashanti Belt of Ghana”.", Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection,, Vol. 6 , pp 77-8
Ewusi, A and Seidu, J. (2018), "“Hydrogeology of the Granitic Rocks in the Sekyere South District of Ashanti Region, Ghana”.", Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection,, Vol. 6 , pp 252-263
henkorah, I., Awuah, E. M., Ewusi, A. and Affam, M. (2018), " “Geotechnical and Petrographic Characterisation of the Birimian Granitoids in Southern Ghana as an Aggregates for Sustainable Road Construction”", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science,, Vol-5 Issue-3, pp 40-49.
Asamoah, K. N. Seidu, J, Ewusi, A. and Ansah, E. (2018), "Geotechnical Investigation at Sanzule Beach, Ghana, Using Seismic Refraction Tomography”.", International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, , Vol. 5 Issue 2, pp 45-53.
Seidu, J and Ewusi, A. (2018), " “Assessment of Groundwater quality using Hydrogeochemical indices and Statistical Analysis in the Tarkwa Mining Area”.", Journal of Environmental Hydrology,, Vol. 26 , pp. 1 – 13.
Ewusi, A., Apeani, B. Y., Ahenkorah, I., Nartey, R.S. (2017), "“Mining and Metal Pollution: Assessment of Water Quality in the Tarkwa Mining Area” ", Ghana Mining Journal, , Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 17 – 31
Ewusi, A., Ahenkorah, I., and Kuma J.S.Y. (2017), "“Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment of the Tarkwa Mining Area Using SINTACS Approach and GIS”,", Ghana Mining Journal,, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 18 – 30
Ewusi, A,, Appiah Otoo, I., Ahenkorah, I., Seidu, J., Akiti, T.T., Osae, S., Gayanglo, S. (2017), "“Origin of Salinity in Groundwater at Ekumfi Akwakrom and Ekumfi Asokwa in the Mankessim Municipality of the Central Region of Ghana”,", International Journal of Water Research, 7(1), 8-16.
Ewusi, A., Asante-Annor, A., Seidu, J., and Fosu-Gyeabour, L.O. (2016), " “Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment using Drastic Index and GIS in Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana”, ", Ghana Mining Journal, , Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 21 - 30
Asante-Annor, A. and Ewusi, A. (2016), "“Hydrogeological Properties of the Rocks in Adansi Mining Area Ghana”,", Ghana Mining Journal, , Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 31 - 39.
Bempah, C.K and Ewusi, A (2016), "“Heavy metals contamination and human health risk assessment around Obuasi gold mine in Ghana”,", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Environ Monit Assess) , , pp-260-263
Bempah, C.K., Voigt, H.J and Ewusi, A (2016), "“Impact of mining on groundwater quality in SW Ashanti, Ghana: a preliminary study”,", Journal of Mining & Environment , Vol. 7 No.1, 81-95.
Ewusi A., Seidu J., Ahenkorah I., Eshemele N.K., Asante-Annor A. and Oti D. (2015), "“Evaluating the Mattru Jong Water Supply System in Sierra Leone”,", International Journal of Advanced Research, 4(11), 987-996.
Ewusi, A., Seidu, J., Asante-Annor, A., Acquah, E. (2015), "“Establishing the Driving Forces and Modeling of flooding in the Lafa River Basin, Accra, Ghana”", American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) , Vol. 04 , pp.103-111
Ewusi, A., Awerjori, G. A., Seidu, J., Asante-Annor, A. (2015), " “Raw and Treated Water Quality at Dalun Water Works, Ghana”,", International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 4(07), 1145-1151
Ewusi, A. and Kuma, J. S. (2014), " “Groundwater Assessment for Current and Future Water Demand in the Daka Catchment, Northern Region”,", Natural Resource Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11053-014-9227-y., ,
Ewusi, A., Obiri-Yeboah, S., Voigt, H. J., Asabere, S. B. and Bempah, C. K. (2013), "“Groundwater Quality Assessment for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes in Obuasi Municipality of Ghana, A Preliminary Study”,", Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 , pp. 6-17
Bempah, C. K., Ewusi, A., Obiri-Yeboah, S., Asabre, S.B., Mensah, F., Boateng, J. and Voigt, H.J. (2013), " Distribution of Arsenic and Heavy Metals from Mine Tailings dams at Obuasi Municipality of Ghana, ", American Journal of Engineering Research , Vol. 2 , pp. 61-70
Nsiah, J. J and Ewusi, A. (2012), " Applicability of Artificial DNA in the Environment,", Takoradi Polytechnic Journal of Technology, Vol. 2 , pp. 46-59.
Ewusi, A. and Osei, P.K. (2012), "Estimation of Gold Resources Using Single and Triple Channel Sampling - A Comparative Study,", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) , Vol. 1 , pp. 1-8,
Ewusi, A. and Kuma, J. S. (2010), "“Calibration of Shallow Borehole Drilling Sites using the Multi-Electrode Resistivity Imaging Technique in the Granitoids of Central Region, Ghana”,", Natural Resource Research, , Vol. 20 , 57-63.
Kuma, J. S. and Ewusi, A. (2009), "“Water Resources Issues in Tarkwa Municipality, Southwest Ghana”,", Ghana Mining Journal,, Vol. 11 , pp. 37 - 46.
Ewusi, A., Kuma, J. S. and Voigt, H. J. (2009), "“Utility of the 2-D Multi-Electrode Resistivity Imaging Technique in Groundwater Exploration in the Voltaian Sedimentary Basin, Northern Ghana”, ", Natural Resource Research, Vol. 18 , 267-275.
Akudago, J.A. Chegbeleh, L.P. Nishiggaki, M. Nanedo, N.A. Ewusi, A. Kankam-Yeboah, K (2009), "“Borehole Drying: A Review of the Situation in the Voltaian Hydrogeological System in Ghana”,", J. Water Resource and Protection,, , 153-163.
Ewusi, A. (2018), "Efficacy of The Electrokinetic System (EKS) in groundwater Exploration: A Case Study of The Volta Basin,", 1st National Conference of the Ghana Institution of Geoscientist,, November 2018.
Asamoah, K. N., Seidu, J. Ansah, E and Ewusi, A (2018), "“Seismic Refraction Tomography Investigation of Groundwater Potential in the Tarkwa Phyllite; ", A study at the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT)”,, 5th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Minera
Oti, D. and Ewusi, A. (2016), "“Hydrometeorological Trends of Tocantins and Itacaiúnas Rivers in Brazil”, ", 4th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference,, pp. GG114-126.
Addo, E.Y. and Ewusi, A. (2016), "“Siting of Boreholes at Mankessin Relocation Site,", Tarkwa, Using Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Sounding Techniques”,, 4th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Minera
Frimpong, M., Ewusi, A., Amoako, R., and Appianing, E. J. A. (2016), "Assessment of Groundwater Quality in the Akyem Mine Area of Newmont Golden Ridge Ltd (NGRL)”,", 4th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference,, pp. ES 55-63.
Seidu, J, Ewusi, A. and Boakye J. K., (2016), "“Groundwater Quality Issues in Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District, Central Region of Ghana”", 4th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, , pp. GG 48-58
Asante-Annor, A., Ewusi, A. and Boateng, D. (2016), ", “Understanding Groundwater Composition at Benso and Its Environs Using Simple Bivariate Plots and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)”", 4th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, , pp. GG 17-25
Ewusi, A. Nsiah, J.J. Seidu, J and Kuffour M., (2016), "“Pit Dewatering Studies in Goldfields Ghana ltd, Tarkwa.”", 4th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, , pp. GG 5-16.
Adu-Gyamfi, P., Ewusi, A., Yeboah-Forson A. (2012), "“Weathering and its influence on regolith mapping in mineral exploration: A case study on the Manso Amenfi Gold Project in the Western Region of Ghana” ", Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Conference.,
Ewusi, A. (2012), "“The Electrokinetic System (EKS): A New Groundwater Geophysical Technique in the Voltaian Sedimentary Basin?", 2nd UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, , pp. 281-287
Ewusi, A. and Kuma, J.S. (2010), "“Combining the Multielectrode Electrical Resistivity Imaging (MERI) and Electromagnetic (EM) Techniques for borehole siting in the Voltaian Sedimentary Basin”,", Proceedings of First Biennial UMaT Conference on Mining & Mineral Processing. “Expanding the Frontiers of Mining Technology”,, Tarkwa, Ghana, 4th -7th August, 2010 740 pp
Ewusi, A. (2008), "Case Studies of Geophysical Techniques for Groundwater Exploration", Hydrogeological Assessment Project (HAP) workshop, Alisa Hotel, Accra, 16th "? 19th July, 2008
Ewusi, A. (2008), "Hydrogeological Risk Assessment in Mineral Exploration: Risk Management and Risk Assessment for Environmental Protection in sub-sahara Africa”,", First Alumni conference of University of Buea, Cameroon and Brandenburg Technical University, Germany at the University of Buea, Cameroon.,
Water Resources Assessment and Management in the coastal belt of the Western Region
Water Quality Assessment in the Central and Western Regions of Ghana
Using the 2-D Lund Resistivity Imaging system for site selection for the drilling of monioring boreholes on the Hydrogeological Assessment project (HAP)